La formation couvre les 4 domaines sur lesquels porte l’examen
- Domaine 1 : Gouvernance de la sécurité de l’information
- Domaine 2 : Gestion des risques de l’information
- Domaine 3 : Développement et gestion de programme de sécurité de l’information
- Domaine 4 : Gestion des incidents de sécurité de l’information
- Examen blanc et procédure de certification
Information Security Governance
- Explain the need for and the desired outcomes of an effective
information security strategy
- Create an information security strategy aligned with organizational goals and objectives
- Gain stakeholder support using business cases
- Identify key roles and responsibilities needed to execute an
action plan
- Establish metrics to measure and monitor the performance of
security governance
Information Risk Management
- Explain the importance of risk management as a tool to meet
business needs and develop a security management program
to support these needs
- Identify, rank, and respond to a risk in a way that is appropriate
as defined by organizational directives
- Assess the appropriateness and effectiveness of information
security controls
- Report information security risk effectively
Information Security Program Development and Management
- Align information security program requirements with those
of other business functions
- Manage the information security program resources
- Design and implement information security controls
- Incorporate information security requirements into contracts, agreements and third-party management processes
Information Security Incident Management
- Understand the concepts and practices of Incident Management
- Identify the components of an Incident Response Plan and
evaluate its effectiveness
- Understand the key concepts of Business Continuity Planning,
or BCP and Disaster Recovery Planning, or DRP
CISM Sample Exam
- L’inscription à l’examen se fait directement sur le site de l’ISACA.
Trois langues sont disponibles pour le passage de l’examen dont l’anglais. La langue française n’est pas disponible.